@article{018e9e58-33ec-729b-88af-1ecdb2c0261e, author = {Bartosz Kucharski}, title = {Ewolucja odpowiedzialności za niedostosowanie umowy ubezpieczenia do wymagań i potrzeb klienta w orzecznictwie sądowym}, journal = {Radca Prawny}, volume = {2023}, number = {3 (36)}, year = {2023}, issn = {2392-1943}, pages = {11-25},keywords = {Ewolucja odpowiedzialności za niedostosowanie umowy ubezpieczenia do wymagańi potrzeb klienta w orzecznictwie sądowym; insurance distribution; insurance distributor; insurance intermediation; insurance broker; insurance agent; liability in damages; protection of customer of insurance services}, abstract = {Evolution of liability for non-adjusting of the insurance contract to client’s demands and needs The Act of 15 December 2017 on Insurance Distribution implementing the IDD Directive introduced the distributor’s obligation to adjust the insurance contract to the client’s demands and needs. Although such an obligation was not expressed by any law before, the courts tried to trace it from existing provisions on insurance contracts. Surprisingly the current judicature does not refer to the new provisions of The Act on Insurance Distribution searching for the means of client protection in earlier existing regulations in particular in rules providing for liability of the insurer for activities of his agent. While agreeing with the thesis that the changes made were of an evolutionary rather than revolutionary nature, the author expresses surprise at the law practitioners’ fail to recognize the importance of article 8 of the Law on Insurance Distribution. In his opinion, expressing new duty establishes contract liability and facilitates proving the unlawfulness as the prerequisite of the liability of the distributor for the loss resulting from the conclusion of the insurance contract unfavourable for the client.}, doi = {10.4467/23921943RP.23.022.19060}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/ewolucja-odpowiedzialnosci-za-niedostosowanie-umowy-ubezpieczenia-do-wymagan-i-potrzeb-klienta-w-orzecznictwie-sadowym} }