%0 Journal Article %T Nowe szaty króla – uwagi nad książką Krzysztofa Burczaka %A Alexandrowicz, Piotr %J Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa %V Tom 16 (2023) %R 10.4467/20844131KS.23.043.19037 %N Tom 16, Zeszyt 4 %P 533-558 %K historia prawa, prawo kanoniczne, dekretały, papież, uniwersytet %@ 2084-4115 %D 2023 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/nowe-szaty-krola-uwagi-nad-ksiazka-krzysztofa-burczaka %X The Emperor’s New Clothes – Remarks on Krzysztof Burczak’s Book The review essay of the book on quinque compilationes antiquae by Krzysztof Burczak offers a critique of the scope and method applied to the research on the sources of medieval canon law within this monograph. The two objectives or hypotheses of the book are too broad and were not properly justified. The research was based on limited and outdated methods. The approach to the sources of quinque compilationes did not take into account the complicated history of the transmission of canon law texts. The author overlooked the relevance of the science of canon law (e.g., glosses) and application of compilations in courts which were crucial for defending his claims. Unfortunately, the book proves that the state and quality of the history of universal canon law in Poland resembles the emperor’s new clothes. * Praca powstała w wyniku realizacji projektu badawczego o nr 2020/36/C/HS5/00365 finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki.