@article{018e9e56-7142-705d-824d-6173ce711a70, author = {Agnieszka Przybyszewska}, title = {The Art of (Non)Experimental Translation of Electronic Literature. On the (Un)Repeatable Translation of Loss Of Grasp}, journal = {Przekładaniec}, volume = {Numery anglojęzyczne}, number = {Special Issue 2/2023 – Experimental Translation}, year = {2023}, issn = {1425-6851}, pages = {24-43},keywords = {Serge Bouchardon; Vincent Volckaert; Loss of Grasp; flash fiction; electronic literature translation; electronic literature}, abstract = {The article focuses on (Nie)panowanie, the Polish translation of Loss of Grasp by Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert. The main part of the study consists of a detailed report of translator’s work made in 2019 and her experience is compared with the experiences of translators of ten other language versions of the work. This study is accompanied by some more general reflection on problems of e-literature translation, especially in the context of experimental translation theory. Two main questions the author deals with are: should e-lit translation always be seen as an experimental one, and what does it, in practice, mean to translate interactive and multimedia work? The last part of the article offers a broader perspective on the field: reflections on trans-platform translation as a kind of digital literature preservation and on the problems of platform liability or programming obsolescence. * This article was written as a part of research fellowship under the Bekker NAWA Programme (agreement no. PPN/BEK/2019/1/00264/U/00001).}, doi = {10.4467/16891864ePC.23.008.18087}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/the-art-of-non-experimental-translation-of-electronic-literature-on-the-un-repeatable-translation-of-loss-of-grasp} }