@article{018e9e55-5d49-719e-b148-32af940a437c, author = {Marcin Konarski}, title = {The Central Liquidation Commission in the Duchy of Warsaw between 1808 and 1812}, journal = {Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa}, volume = {Tom 16 (2023)}, number = {Tom 16, Zeszyt specjalny}, year = {2023}, issn = {2084-4115}, pages = {21-47},keywords = {}, abstract = {The subject of the analysis concerns one of the administrative-legal aspects related to military requisitions in the period of the Duchy of Warsaw, namely, the claims of the population resulting from unsatisfied dues for war requisitions and material losses in households which occurred as a result of military operations conducted on Polish soil in the early 19th century. In light of the regulations adopted by the authorities of the Duchy of Warsaw, these claims were to be settled in the manner indicated, while future public burdens were to be settled on the basis of the principle of equity in the form of co-equation, i.e. the equalization of duties for the benefit of the army. The Central Liquidation Commission – the state body appointed to carry out the liquidation of claims – was established in 1808. Its main duty was to carry out activities such as the receipt, consideration and determination of claims against the State Treasury.}, doi = {10.4467/20844131KS.23.034.18856}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/the-central-liquidation-commission-in-the-duchy-of-warsaw-between-1808-and-1812} }