%0 Journal Article %T Pomiędzy Wschodem a Zachodem. Muzułmańscy intelektualiści w pogoni za modelem emancypowanej muzułmanki na początku XX wieku %A Kasumović, Amila %J Prace Historyczne %V 2023 %R 10.4467/20844069PH.23.014.17951 %N Numer 150 (2) %P 219-241 %K : Bośnia i Hercegowina, Imperium Osmańskie, Osmanki, bośniackie muzułmanki, prasa muzułmańska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ottoman Empire, Ottoman women, Bosnian Muslim women, Muslim journals %@ 0083-4351 %D 2023 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-historyczne/artykul/pomiedzy-wschodem-a-zachodem-muzulmanscy-intelektualisci-w-pogoni-za-modelem-emancypowanej-muzulmanki-na-poczatku-xx-wieku %X Between East and West: Muslim intellectuals in Search of a Model for the Muslim womenʼs emancipation in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the beginning of the 20th century After introduction of the Austro-Hungarian rule to Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878, Bosnian Muslims became very concerned about preserving their Islamic identity under the rule of Christians. They were particularly disturbed by the modernization processes which have changed the social practices of the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of which was the entering of Muslim female children into the secular education system and public sphere. This paper deals with the way that the Muslim intellectual circles viewed the emancipation of Muslim women: respectively, how they – to a certain extent – accepted European influences and how they supplemented them with Ottoman practices, having in mind that the modernization process was also evident in the Ottoman society, especially in the second half of the 19th century. The article analyzes the views of the leading Muslim intellectuals on the models for the emancipation of Muslim women in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented in Muslim journals at the beginning of the 20th century. * Tekst powstał w ramach projektu OPUS 13, finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki w Krakowie, pt. „Pomiędzy dwoma zjazdami w Pradze. Związki między Słowianami w Europie Środkowej i Południowo-Wschodniej w latach 1848–1908” (2017/25/B/HS3/00240, kierownik: prof. dr hab. Antoni Cetnarowicz). Tłumaczenie: Tomasz Jacek Lis