@article{018e9e4a-0315-71f2-a713-f54f3e961fa0, author = {Aleksandra Nowosad, Piotr Poniatowski}, title = {Prawne aspekty hałasu „sąsiedzkiego” – cz. III (odpowiedzialność karna)}, journal = {Radca Prawny}, volume = {2023}, number = {2 (35)}, year = {2023}, issn = {2392-1943}, pages = {107-122},keywords = {hałas w miejscu zamieszkania; prawna ochrona przed hałasem; prawo karne; prawo wykroczeń}, abstract = {Legal aspects of “neighborhood” nuisance – Part Three (criminal liability) The study concerns the legal aspects of a nuisance to which a person may be exposed at their place of residence. The authors analyze the provisions specifying offences and petty offences described in the Polish Criminal Code, the Polish Code of Petty Offences, and the Act of April 27, 2001 on the environmental protection law, which may be applicable in counteracting nuisance “neighborhood” noise.}, doi = {10.4467/23921943RP.23.018.18366}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/prawne-aspekty-halasu-sasiedzkiego-cz-iii-odpowiedzialnosc-karna} }