%0 Journal Article %T Urazy u dzieci związane z elektrycznymi urządzeniami do mikromobilności (przegląd) %A Kotsiubynska, Yulia Z. %A Kozan, Natalia M. %A Voloshynovych, Volodymyr M. %A Zelenchuk, Galina M. %A Chadiuk, Valeriia O. %J Problems of Forensic Sciences (Z Zagadnień Nauk Sądowych) %V 2023 %R 10.4467/12307483PFS.23.001.17811 %N 133 %P 67-79 %@ 1230-7483 %D 2023 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/problems-of-forensic-sciences/artykul/paediatric-trauma-related-with-electric-micro-mobility-devices-review %X It is known that micro-mobility has a positive impact by reducing congestion and emissions. However, with the increase in traffic of these vehicles, the number of related collisions and accidents has increased, and the number of injured and killed people, including children, has risen accordingly. The purpose of the review study was to conduct a comprehensive study of several issues related to the safety of using electric micro-mobility devices for both adults and children through a systematic literature review; to determine the forensic aspects of injuries to operators of electric micro-mobility devices and pedestrians, and to investigate the mechanism of injury. A systematic, thematic bibliographic review was used to conduct this review study. The Scopus database was chosen as the main portal for searching for publications (www.scopus.com). At the same time, a limited search in the Google Scholar database was used for original queries. The article highlights the aspects related to the safety of using electric micro-mobility devices for children and adults, the peculiarities of injuries, the statistical correlation between the frequency of injuries and the use of basic protective equipment, and the characteristic types of injuries for specific micro-mobility devices. Despite all the work done, its results are mostly statistical and do not provide a holistic view of the mechanism of injury and forensic assessment of the consequences of injury. There is also an open issue related to the study of the peculiarities of injuries to operators and pedestrians, and the establishment of differential trauma criteria specific to operators and pedestrians.