TY - JOUR TI - Lekka opowieść o tym, co słychać u innych. Anegdota w badaniach historycznoteatralnych AU - Kędziora, Alicja TI - Lekka opowieść o tym, co słychać u innych. Anegdota w badaniach historycznoteatralnych AB - An Easy Little Story about What Others are Up To. Anecdote in Theatre History Studies The aim of this article is to draw the attention to the formation process of the theatre history on the basis of the dominant perception of phenomena, relations between them and the oeuvre of the artists, which has been shaped by the selected research methods. The material, which constitutes the exemplification for the necessity of turning towards the unconventional readings of the sources seen as not so credible, is the autobiography, with the special focus on the anecdotes which are prevalent in it. VL - 2023 IS - Tom 24, Numer 1 PY - 2023 SN - 1896-8201 C1 - 2084-3976 SP - 23 EP - 32 DO - 10.4467/20843976ZK.23.004.18043 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/lekka-opowiesc-o-tym-co-slychac-u-innych-anegdota-w-badaniach-historycznoteatralnych KW - theater history KW - autobiography KW - theater anecdote