TY - JOUR TI - Kontrola trzeźwości pracowników wykonujących pracę zdalną – uwagi na tle nowelizacji Kodeksu pracy AU - Jaskulska, Jagoda TI - Kontrola trzeźwości pracowników wykonujących pracę zdalną – uwagi na tle nowelizacji Kodeksu pracy AB - Sobriety control of employees performing remote work. Observations against the background of the amendments to the Labour Code The Labour Code has recently been supplemented with new legal regulations on controlling employee sobriety and remote working. In the hitherto binding legal state, these issues were regulated only in a fragmentary manner, leaving many important issues outside the sphere of regulation. However, the manner in which these issues have been regulated by the legislator raises many doubts which may significantly affect the application of the new provisions in practice. The article is devoted to one of the many problems signalled in this context –sobriety control of employees working remotely. It analyses, among other things, the premises for the admissibility of checking the sobriety of employees, showing their relationship to the obligation of sobriety and the obligation to protect the life and health of employees by ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. These considerations were then related to remote working in order to assess, on this basis, the usefulness of the new provisions on controlling employee sobriety in relation to employees working remotely. ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31 VL - Volume 30 (2023) IS - Tom 30 Zeszyt 2 PY - 2023 SN - 1429-9585 C1 - 2544-4654 SP - 135 EP - 143 DO - 10.4467/25444654SPP.23.010.17891 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/kontrola-trzezwosci-pracownikow-wykonujacych-prace-zdalna-uwagi-na-tle-nowelizacji-kodeksu-pracy KW - obowiązek trzeźwości KW - kontrola trzeźwości pracowników KW - praca zdalna KW - kryterium niezbędności; obligation of sobriety KW - sobriety control of employees KW - remote working KW - necessity criterion