TY - JOUR TI - Partycypacja obywatelska jako wartość konstytucyjna w demokratycznym państwie prawnym AU - Firek, Wojciech TI - Partycypacja obywatelska jako wartość konstytucyjna w demokratycznym państwie prawnym AB - Civic Participation as a Constitutional Value in a Democratic State Governed by the Rule of Law The article presents the idea of civic participation as a value, which, due to its positive aspects, is widely desired by society in a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Participation as a value collectively forms an axiological system. In a constitutional state, the axiological system is normatively expressed in the content of the constitution, within which it takes the form of constitutional norms and principles. Civic participation has been adopted into the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in an indirect manner. A holistic interpretation of the Constitution’s provisions allows it to be interpreted from the overarching systemic principles: the principle of the common good (Article 1) the principle of the democratic state of law (Article 2), the principle of the sovereignty of the Nation (Article 4) and the principle of social dialogue (Article 20). Consequently, civic participation as a constitutional value determines how laws are made. The State has an obligation to introduce and strengthen institutions of civic participation. Civic participation based on civil, political and social rights as well as institutions of social solidarity is an element of a democratic state of law and can be a solution to the problems of contemporary democracy. VL - 2023 IS - Numer 2 (2023) PY - 2023 SN - 2544-2031 C1 - 2956-3623 SP - 53 EP - 73 DO - 10.4467/25442031PKO.23.010.18276 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przeglad-konstytucyjny/artykul/partycypacja-obywatelska-jako-wartosc-konstytucyjna-w-demokratycznym-panstwie-prawnym KW - civic participation KW - civil society KW - democracy KW - democratic rule of law KW - political rights and freedoms