%0 Journal Article %T Szczególne rozwiązania związane z epidemią COVID-19 dotyczące czasu pracy pracowników podmiotów leczniczych %A Rybarczyk, Katarzyna %J Radca Prawny %V 2022 %R 10.4467/23921943RP.22.060.17615 %N 4 (33) %P 73-83 %K czas pracy, podmioty medyczne, COVID-19; working time, medical entities, COVID-19 %@ 2392-1943 %D 2024 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/szczegolne-rozwiazania-zwiazane-z-epidemia-covid-19-dotyczace-czasu-pracy-pracownikow-podmiotow-leczniczych %X Special solutions related to the COVID-19 epidemic regarding the working time of employees of medical entities The COVID-19 epidemic and the measures taken to combat it have revealed many imperfections in the legal system. In order to enable certain groups of key employers to operate continuously in the event of an epidemic threat and epidemic, the legislator granted them special powers in the field of working time. Medical entities play a key role in this period. The aim of the article is to analyze the rights of these employers under the provisions of the special COVID act and their relationship to special provisions regulating the working time of employees of these entities.