TY - JOUR AU - Raj, Danuta AU - Węglorz, Jakub TI - <p> Pułapki i meandry. Trudności poznawcze i interpretacyjne towarzyszące badaniom przyczyn i przebiegu chorób w przeszłości</p> JF - Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki VL - 2023 PY - 2023 DO = 10.4467/0023589XKHNT.23.004.17407 SN - 0023-589X C1 - 2657-4020 SP - 49 EP - 62 KW - historia medycyny KW - polska historiografia medyczna KW - przyczyny choroby KW - epidemie N2 - <p> <strong>Traps and Intricacies. Cognitive and Interpretative Difficulties in Research on the Causes and Course of Diseases in the Past</strong></p> <p> Already in the 19th century, researchers of the history of medicine tried to reinterpret the old pathogenesis and diagnostics by framing the descriptions of past epidemics within the framework of their own scientific discourse. However, this practice has sometimes led astray both then and now due to the incompatibility of modern medical language with historical sources, often of a narrative character. In addition, researchers in the field of historical science are often not qualified enough to correctly interpret the descriptions of the symptoms and course of the epidemic. On the other hand, representatives of medical sciences dealing with the past often misinterpret sources, cutting single pieces of information out of context and building a picture that is consistent with the current state of knowledge but inconsistent with the past. Given the persistence of this problem, which has been observable in the historiography of epidemics for many decades, it is worth investigating such cases in order to identify points that are particularly vulnerable to the risk of error.</p> <p> Keywords: history of medicine, Polish medical historiography, causes of diseases, epidemics</p> UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kwartalnik-historii-nauki-i-techniki/artykul/pulapki-i-meandry-trudnosci-poznawcze-i-interpretacyjne-towarzyszace-badaniom-przyczyn-i-przebiegu-chorob-w-przeszlosci