%0 Journal Article %T Laboratoryjne pytania %A Falkowski, Mateusz %J Zarządzanie w Kulturze %V 2022 %R 10.4467/20843976ZK.22.023.17255 %N Tom 23, Numer 4 %P 349-356 %K laboratory, theatre, factory, workshop %@ 1896-8201 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/laboratoryjne-pytania %X Laboratory Questions Laboratory still is a relatively new form of doing human sciences. One that is novel and somewhat foreign at its staring point. In the text the author discusses the intuitive associations – that are not always explicitly stated – hidden behind the idea of the laboratory, in particular this institution’s affinity with theatre, factory and workshop.