%0 Journal Article %T ‘Jigsaw fit’ analysis: The key to solving difficult forensic cases %A Świętek, Maciej %J Problems of Forensic Sciences (Z Zagadnień Nauk Sądowych) %V 2022 %R 10.4467/12307483PFS.22.007.16816 %N 130-131 %P 135-144 %K Mechanoscopy (tool mark examination); ‘Jigsaw fits’; Tool marks %@ 1230-7483 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/problems-of-forensic-sciences/artykul/jigsaw-fit-analysis-the-key-to-solving-difficult-forensic-cases %X This paper presents ‘jigsaw fit’ analysis, which is an aspect of mechanoscopy (tool mark examination) helpful in solving difficult forensic cases. Its use can lead to categorical conclusions in the reconstruction of the course of an incident. Examinations of this kind entail the matching of items separated due to breakage, fracture or tearing. The task of an expert in this field is to resolve the question of whether or not the items belonged together before they were separated. This paper describes three examples of cases involving ‘jigsaw fits’.