@article{018e9e34-b39a-729f-adb3-a3acbb1c5978, author = {Piotr de Bończa Bukowski}, title = {Petera (Piotra) Lachmanna życie w przestrzeni przekładu}, journal = {Przekładaniec}, volume = {2022}, number = {Numer 44}, year = {2022}, issn = {1425-6851}, pages = {157-170},keywords = {Przemysław Chojnowski; Peter (Piotr) Lachmann; komparatystyka; biwalencja kulturowa; Przemysław Chojnowski; comparative studies; cultural bivalence}, abstract = {Peter (Peter) Lachmann’s Life in the Space of Translation The article discusses Przemysław Chojnowski’s research on the work of Peter (Piotr) Lachmann, a German-Polish author born in pre-war Gliwice (Gleiwitz). Lachmann consistently thematizes the experience of the borderland, describing his existence between two languages and cultures, that is, a “life in translation”. The culmination of Chojecki’s long-time research is the monograph Liminalność i bycie „pomiędzy” w twórczości Petera (Piotra) Lachmanna. Studium literacko-kulturowe (Kraków, 2020), which is the main subject of analysis in this article. This work situates itself in the domain of modern anthropological-cultural comparative studies, clearly and convincingly demonstrating the heuristic potential of such approach. Chojnowski’s book is not only a mine of information about the work of Peter (Piotr) Lachmann, but also an invitation to discuss the broader issues of borderland and cultural bivalence, usually associated with ambiguous national identification.}, doi = {10.4467/16891864PC.22.007.16513}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/petera-piotra-lachmanna-zycie-w-przestrzeni-przekladu} }