TY - JOUR TI - Autor jako „własność” tłumacza? Frank O’Hara, Piotr Sommer i krytyka (przekładu) AU - Waligóra, Agnieszka TI - Autor jako „własność” tłumacza? Frank O’Hara, Piotr Sommer i krytyka (przekładu) AB - Author as Translator’s Property? Frank O’Hara, Piotr Sommer and the (Translational) Criticism The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between the author of an original work and the translator (and the target culture) not in a ‘traditional’ valuation that places the signatory of the work in the original language higher, but precisely from a reversed perspective. A case in point is the translation relationship between Frank O’Hara and Piotr Sommer, which has so far been analysed not from a translationist or philological perspective, but on the basis of the specificity of the reception of translations in the literary life of the 1980s and 1990s. The text therefore aims to examine the character that Sommer gave to O’Hara and the image of this character in the Polish reception, which will allow us to answer the question – can an author become “property” of a translator? VL - 2022 IS - Numer 44 PY - 2022 SN - 1425-6851 C1 - 1689-1864 SP - 111 EP - 128 DO - 10.4467/16891864PC.22.005.16511 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/autor-jako-wlasnosc-tlumacza-frank-ohara-piotr-sommer-i-krytyka-przekladu KW - Frank O’Hara KW - Piotr Sommer KW - o’haryzm KW - przekład literacki KW - krytyka przekładu; Frank O’Hara KW - o’harism KW - literary translation KW - translation criticism