@article{018e9e33-86e9-739d-8d02-8a99aff0c9d4, author = {Anna Krasnova, Patrycja Mizera-Pęczek}, title = {Instagram jako przestrzeń wymiany informacji przez matki na temat powrotu do pracy – analiza postów oznaczonych #mamawracadopracy}, journal = {Zarządzanie Mediami}, volume = {2022}, number = {Tom 10, Numer 1}, year = {2022}, issn = {}, pages = {37-55},keywords = {mother; work-life balance; return to work; working mom}, abstract = {Instagram as a Space for Sharing Information About Returning to Work. Analysis of the Post #Mamawracadopracy The article is devoted to the issue of mothers returning to work, after being on parental leave due to the birth of a child. The theoretical part presents the specifics of the Instagram social network, which was used by women who have children, as well as the results of secondary research on searching for the source of origin and work. The research part presents the results of the analysis of the content communicated on Instagram by mothers returning to work. The results of the research show that for many ‘instamothers’online activity is a substitute for social relation, and makes them willing to share their observations also regarding the topic of returning to work. Moreover, the analysis of the posts showed that some mothers perceive motherhood as a limitation in shaping their professional career, while other mothers are convinced that it is their work that limits them in fulfilling the role of mother. JEL: M0, M12}, doi = {10.4467/23540214ZM.22.003.16925}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/instagram-jako-przestrzen-wymiany-informacji-przez-matki-na-temat-powrotu-do-pracy-analiza-postow-oznaczonych-mamawracadopracy} }