@article{001dbb3e-0142-4311-b763-5f497ad0cdf9, author = {Katarzyna Białożyt}, title = {Holistyczne oddziaływanie na seniorów – doświadczenia Ośrodka Wsparcia dla Osób Starszych Caritas Archidiecezji Krakowskiej}, journal = {Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej}, volume = {2013}, number = {Tom 18, Numer 3}, year = {2013}, issn = {1507-4285}, pages = {153-160},keywords = {ośrodek wsparcia; osoby starsze; pomoc; aktywność społeczna; Caritas}, abstract = {The holistic impact on seniors – the experience of the Centre for Ageing Support Caritas Archdiocese of Krakow Older people are beginning to constitute the largest social group in the overall structure of the Polish population. Today’s seniors are significantly different from their peers before 10–20 years. Currently, a large group of older generation wants to continue to be active, full members of society. In order to decrease the negative attitudes towards old age and valorization of this period of life arise various kinds of institutions that focus on the constructive use of the potential of seniors while creating the conditions for self-realization. In this paper are shown different forms of impacts on seniors who join in the life of the local community by participating in the Centre for Ageing Support Caritas Archidiocese of Krakow. Thanks to the commitment of the oldest generation in this type of activity it becomes possible overall impact on an elderly man who despite the loss of biological may experience a high quality of life.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-pracy-socjalnej/artykul/holistyczne-oddzialywanie-na-seniorow-doswiadczenia-osrodka-wsparcia-dla-osob-starszych-caritas-archidiecezji-krakowskiej} }