Jerusalem and the Bar Kokhba Revolt Again: A Note
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Jerusalem and the Bar Kokhba Revolt Again: A Note
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEJerusalem and the Bar Kokhba Revolt Again: A Note
Publication date: 12.2019
ELECTRUM, 2019, Volume 26, pp. 141-157
Jerusalem and the Bar Kokhba Revolt Again: A Note
This note examines again the overall significance of Jerusalem within the Bar Kokhba revolt. It does so firstly by suggesting a better way to read our texts: Cassius Dio (69.12.1–4) wrote in a partially thematic way, and Eusebius (HE 4.6.1–4) merged several sources together, so that there is no real difference between the two texts in terms of the sequence of the revolt and the establishment of the colony Aelia Capitolina. Secondly, the examination of other sources, different types of evidence and several traditions, may suggest that the Roman reconstruction works in the city did not finish before the revolt, but in fact were halted by it, even without assuming that the rebels actually controlled Jerusalem.
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Information: ELECTRUM, 2019, Volume 26, pp. 141-157
Article type: Original article
Published at: 12.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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