Die städtischen Eliten der Kolonien der syrischen Tetrapolis zwischen Seleukiden, Armeniern, Parthern und Römern
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Die städtischen Eliten der Kolonien der syrischen Tetrapolis zwischen Seleukiden, Armeniern, Parthern und Römern
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEDie städtischen Eliten der Kolonien der syrischen Tetrapolis zwischen Seleukiden, Armeniern, Parthern und Römern
Publication date: 11.03.2014
ELECTRUM, 2013, Volume 20, pp. 77-115
Die städtischen Eliten der Kolonien der syrischen Tetrapolis zwischen Seleukiden, Armeniern, Parthern und Römern
The following paper proposes, for the first time, an exhaustive overview over the situation of the late-Hellenistic local elites of the Syrian tetrapolis (Antiochia, Seleucia, Apamea, Laodicea), a first part concerning the late-Seleucid situation from the death of Antiochus IV onwards, a second one the movemented decades of the Armenian, Parthian and Roman Republican era. Both parts first analyse the general political situation of the Syrian elites on the basis of our literary and numismatical sources in order to sketch the interaction between the respective communal and the imperial level, then systematically discuss the prosopographical evidence.
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Information: ELECTRUM, 2013, Volume 20, pp. 77-115
Article type: Original article
Die städtischen Eliten der Kolonien der syrischen Tetrapolis zwischen Seleukiden, Armeniern, Parthern und Römern
Institute for Western Affairs, Poznan, Poland
Université Libre de Bruxelles; Franklin Rooseveltlaan 50, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
Published at: 11.03.2014
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