Modelling morpho-phonology: consonant replacements in Polish
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Modelling morpho-phonology: consonant replacements in Polish
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEModelling morpho-phonology: consonant replacements in Polish
Publication date: 15.10.2012
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 7 (2012), Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 129-164
Modelling morpho-phonology: consonant replacements in Polish
Gussmann (2007) put forward a morpho-phonological analysis of Polish palatalizations which is an alternative to traditional re-write rules promoting abstractness in phonology. The aim of this article is to turn Gussmann’s descriptive tool into a coherent theory. In order to do that I propose a set of premises that regulate the working of the component of morpho-phonology. Among these premises the Minimalist Hypothesis (Kaye 1992) and the Locality Principle occupy the most prominent position. The former says that all morpho-phonological replacements work whenever their conditions are met (no (counter)bleeding or counterfeeding is possible), whereas the latter limits the scope of morpho-phonological replacements to nodes entering the relation of concatenation (Embick 2010). The last part of the article is devoted to the cases that apparently violate the Minimalist Hypothesis. These are the replacements that Gussmann (2007) subsumes under the label P(alatalization) R(eplacement) 7. The article shows that the problematic replacements presented as PR7 may be convincingly analysed as root-specific and thus do not constitute counterexamples to the Minimalist Hypothesis.
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Information: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 7 (2012), Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 129-164
Article type: Original article
Modelling morpho-phonology: consonant replacements in Polish
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Published at: 15.10.2012
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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