Of long nights and pheasant tails (“Man’yōshū” 2802)
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Of long nights and pheasant tails (“Man’yōshū” 2802)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEOf long nights and pheasant tails (“Man’yōshū” 2802)
Data publikacji: 21.05.2010
Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1, s. 175-184
Of long nights and pheasant tails (“Man’yōshū” 2802)
In the eleventh book of the “Man’yōshū” 萬葉集 (‘Collection of a myriad leaves’, after 771), the oldest extant anthology of Japanese poetry, under number 2802, there is included a poem of no certain authorship.
Bentley, John R. 2001. A descriptive grammar of Early Old Japanese prose. Leiden – Boston – Köln: Brill, XVIII + 286 pp. (Brill’s Japanese Studies Library, 15.)
BKRS = Большой китайско-русский словарь по русской графической системе в четырех томах. Составлен коллективом китаистов под руководством и редакцией Ильи Михайловича Ошанина. Москва: Наука. Том I, 1983, 553 с.; Том II, 1983, 1100 с.; Том III, 1984, 1104 с.; Том IV, 1984, 1062 с.
Brower, Robert H., Earl Miner. 1961. Japanese court poetry. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, XVI + 527 pp. (Stanford Studies in the Civilizations of Eastern Asia.)
Gluskina 2001 = Манъёсю. Японская поэзия. Перевод с японского, вступительная статья, комментарии и приложения Анной Евгеньевной Глускиной. Москва 2001 (1971-1972): ACT. Том I, 656 с.; Том II, 720 с.; Том III, 464 с.
Ikeda, Tadashi. 1980 (1975). Classical Japanese grammar illustrated with texts; first edition, second printing. Tokyo: The Tōhō Gakkai, VIII + 356 pp.
IKJ = Iwanami kogo jiten [‘The Iwanami dictionary of older Japanese’]. Edited by Ōno Susumu 大野晋, Satake Akihiro 佐竹昭広, Maeda Kingorō 前田金五郎; enlarged and revised edition, eighth impression. Tōkyō 1996 (1974): Iwanami shoten, XVIII + 1534 pp.
Imaizumi Yoshinori 今泉吉典. 1977. Yamadori [‘Copper pheasant’]. — Sekai dai hyakka jiten [‘Great world encyclopaedia’]. Edited by Shimonaka Kunihiko 下中邦彦. Tōkyō: Heibonsha. Volume 30: mutsu – yusa, 503.
JKD-J = Jidaibetsu kokugo daijiten. Jōdai hen [‘Great dictionary of the Japanese language divided into periods. Old Japanese’]. Edited by Omodaka Hisataka 澤瀉久孝 et alii; thirteenth impression. Tōkyō 2000 (1967): Sanseidō, LVIII + 904 + 190 pp.
KD = Kogo daijiten [‘Great dictionary of older Japanese’]. Edited by Nakada Norio 中田祝夫, Wada Toshimasa 和田利政, Kitahara Yasuo 北原保雄; compact edition, first impression. Tōkyō 1994 (1983): Shōgakukan, XXXII + 1936 pp.
Kojiki. Norito. Edited by Kurano Kenji 倉野憲司, Takeda Yūkichi 武田童吉; twenty-first impression. Tōkyō 1977 (1958): Iwanami shoten, 465 pp. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, 1.)
Komachiya Teruhiko 小町谷照彦 (ed.). 2003 (1994). Hyōjun Ogura hyakunin isshu [‘Ogura collection of single poems by one hundred poets. Standard version’]; fifteenth impression. Tōkyō: Bun’eidō, 128 pp.
Man’yōshū. Edited by Takagi Ichinosuke 高木市之助, Gomi Tomohide 五味智 英, Ōno Susumu 大野晋. Tōkyō: Iwanami shoten. Volume I, second impression, 1957, LXIV + 375 pp.; Volume II, first impression, 1959, 479 pp.; Volume III, first impression, 1960, 481 pp.; Volume IV, first impression, 1962, 507 pp. (Nihon koten bungaku taikei, 4-7.)
Man’yōshū CD-ROM ban [‘«Man’yōshū», CD-ROM edition’]. Edited by Kinoshita Masatoshi 木下正俊; first edition. Tōkyō 2001: Hanawa shobō.
Martin, Samuel E. 1987. The Japanese language through time. New Haven – London: Yale University Press, VIII + 961 pp.
Nakamura Yukihiro 中村幸弘. 1999 (1996). Benesse zen’yaku kogo jiten [‘The Benesse dictionary of older Japanese, provided with complete translation’]; first edition, seventh impression. Tōkyō: Benesse Kōporēshon, 1375 pp.
Nijūichidai shū [‘The collections of twenty-one eras’], xylographic version published in the fourth year of the Shōhō 正保 era [i.e., AD 1647], CD-ROM.
Edited by Nakamura Yasuo 中村康夫, Tachikawa Yoshihiko 立川美彦, Sugita Mayuko 杉田まゆ子. Tōkyō 1999: Iwanami shoten. (Kokubungaku kenkyū shiryōkan dēta-bēsu, Koten korekushon.)
Philippi 1968 = This wine of peace, this wine of laughter. A complete anthology of Japan’s earliest songs. Translated by Donald Philippi, with photographs by Kuzunishi Sōsei. 1968. New York: Grossman Publishers; Tokyo: Mushinsha, XX + 236 pp.
Pulleyblank, Edwin G. 1991. Lexicon of reconstructed pronunciation in Early Middle Chinese, Late Middle Chinese, and Early Mandarin. Vancouver: UBC Press, VII + 488 pp.
Rickmeyer, Jens. 2004 (1985). Einführung in das Klassische Japanisch anhand der Gedichtanthologie Hyakuniñ isshu; 3., verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. München: Iudicium, 260 S.
Sansom, George B. 1928. An historical grammar of Japanese. Oxford: Clarendon Press. — Reprint: Richmond 1995: Curzon Press, XVI + 347 pp.
Sasaki Nobutsuna 佐佐木信綱 (ed.). 1999-2000 (1927). Shinkun Man’yōshū [‘«Man’yōshū», newly annotated’]; revised edition. Tōkyō: Iwanami shoten. Volume I, ninety-fifth impression, 2000, 449 pp.; Volume II, eightyseventh impression, 1999, 355 pp. (Iwanami bunko, yellow, 5:1-2.)
Syromiatnikov, N. A. 1981 (1972). The Ancient Japanese language (Древнеяпонский язык). Translated from the Russian by Y. N. Filippov. Moscow: Nauka, 148 pp. (Languages of Asia and Africa.)
Tōdō Akiyasu 藤堂明保. 2001 (1978). Gakken kanwa daijiten [‘The Gakken great Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters’]; thirty-seventh impression. Tōkyō: Gakushū kenkyūsha, IV + 1740 + XC pp.
Informacje: Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1, s. 175-184
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Of long nights and pheasant tails (“Man’yōshū” 2802)
Of long nights and pheasant tails (“Man’yōshū” 2802)
Instytut Orientalistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Kraków, Polska)
Publikacja: 21.05.2010
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2047
Liczba pobrań: 1396