Circulation of Cultural Objects in Russian Law – An Overview

Data publikacji: 26.06.2019

Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2018, 2/2018 (4), s. 159 - 184



Yulianna Vertinskaya
History of Art, Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 9 Moscow 125080 Russian Federation
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Circulation of Cultural Objects in Russian Law – An Overview


The aim of this article is to offer an introduction to the Russian Federation’s cultural property legislation. More precisely, this article focuses on the civil and criminal law provisions for cultural property acquisition, commerce, and protection. First it offers an overview of the definition of cultural valuables, its status under Russia’s legislation, and its commercial turnover. It explains that cultural valuables constitute “res commercium”, with free commercial circulation within the territory of the State, i.e. it is not “res extra commercium”, albeit its legal status demonstrates it is subject to certain restrictions concerning the import and export of cultural property. It further outlines recent amendments to the Law on the export and import of cultural goods and explores the construction of inheritance funds as a potential option for managing cultural property and art collections. This article also argues that problems presented by the illegal circulation of cultural property are often resolved at the national level and courts play a major role either favouring bona fide purchasers or true owners. Hence the status of bona fide purchaser is addressed herein by way of interpretation of the court practice. Finally, from perspective of criminal law this article explains that Russia – in order to offer a better system for protecting cultural property against destruction and theft – is currently considering ratification of the 2017 Council of Europe’s Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property. The article is based on laws of the Russian Federation as of March 2019.


Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации [Civil Code of the Russian Federation], part one dated 30 November 1994, No. 51-FZ; part two dated 26 January 1996, No. 14-FZ; part three dated 26 November 2001, No. 146-FZ; part four dated 18 December 2006, No. 230-FZ.

Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации [Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation], 14 November 2002, No. 138-FZ, as amended.

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Конституция Российской Федерации принята всенародным голосованием 12 декабря 1993 г. (с учетом поправок, внесенных Законами Российской Федерации о поправках к Конституции Российской Федерации от 30.12.2008 № 6-ФКЗ, от 30.12.2008 № 7-ФКЗ, от 5.02.2014 № 2-ФКЗ, от 21.07.2014 № 11-ФКЗ) [The Constitution
of the Russian Federation, adopted by national referendum on 12 December 1993 (as amended by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated 30 December 2008, No. 6-FKZ; dated 30 December 2008, No. 7-FKZ; dated 5 February 2014, No. 2-FKZ; dated 21 July 2014, No. 11-FKZ)].

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Informacje: Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2018, 2/2018 (4), s. 159 - 184

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Circulation of Cultural Objects in Russian Law – An Overview


Circulation of Cultural Objects in Russian Law – An Overview


History of Art, Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 9 Moscow 125080 Russian Federation

Publikacja: 26.06.2019

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Yulianna Vertinskaya (Autor) - 100%

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<p> Circulation of Cultural Objects in Russian Law – An Overview</p>