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Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Calciarcus spp. Revisited

Publication date: 26.05.2014

Acta Protozoologica, 2014, Volume 53, Issue 2, pp. 145-157



Helge Abildhauge Thomsen
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark
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Jette Buch Østergaard
Nørrebrogade 52a 5th, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
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Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Calciarcus spp. Revisited


The genus Calciarcus is revisited here with the purpose of providing, based on additional sampling from both polar regions, an update on species diversity and morphology that can serve as a reference for future work. The geographic realm of the genus is significantly widened and a case is built based on consistency in appearance in favour of adding Calciarcus spp. to the well-defined community of bipolar weakly calcified coccolithophorid genera. Despite the multitude of specimens available for analysis and the fact that the specimens examined distribute themselves within three clusters based on morphological features of coccolith superstructures, it has not been possible at this stage to define a robust framework for differentiation among species of Calciarcus. Circumstantial evidence exist linking species of Wigwamma with species of Calciarcus in haploid-diploid life cycles.


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Information: Acta Protozoologica, 2014, Volume 53, Issue 2, pp. 145-157

Article type: Original article


National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark

Nørrebrogade 52a 5th, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

Published at: 26.05.2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Helge Abildhauge Thomsen (Author) - 50%
Jette Buch Østergaard (Author) - 50%

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