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Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Wigwamma spp. Revisited

Publication date: 29.01.2014

Acta Protozoologica, 2013, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 237-256



Helge Abildhauge Thomsen
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark
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Jette Buch Østergaard
Nørrebrogade 52a 5th, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
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Mikal Heldal
Dep. of Biology, Thormøhlensgate 53, 5020 Bergen, Norway
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Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Wigwamma spp. Revisited


A contingent of weakly calcified coccolithophorid genera and species were described from polar regions almost 40 years ago. In the interim period a few additional findings have been reported enlarging the realm of some of the species. The genus Wigwamma is revisited here with the purpose of providing, based on additional sampling from both polar regions, an update on species morphology, life history events and biogeography that can serve as a reference for the future. A new genus, Pseudowigwamma gen. nov. is described to accommodate Wigwamma scenozonion, a species which critically deviates from a core group of five Wigwamma species in terms of coccolith morphology and life history events. Wigwamma armatura sp. nov. is described on the basis of material from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. While fitting nicely into the Wigwamma generic concept, the species adds new dimensions to the overall appearance of the coccolith armour of the cell.


Information: Acta Protozoologica, 2013, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 237-256

Article type: Original article


National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark

Nørrebrogade 52a 5th, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

Dep. of Biology, Thormøhlensgate 53, 5020 Bergen, Norway

Published at: 29.01.2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Helge Abildhauge Thomsen (Author) - 33%
Jette Buch Østergaard (Author) - 33%
Mikal Heldal (Author) - 34%

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