Description of a New Testate Amoebae Genus Meisterfeldia with Notes on the Systematics of the Suborder Phryganellina (Amebozoa; Tubulinea; Arcellinida)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEDescription of a New Testate Amoebae Genus Meisterfeldia with Notes on the Systematics of the Suborder Phryganellina (Amebozoa; Tubulinea; Arcellinida)
Publication date: 19.12.2016
Acta Protozoologica, 2016, Volume 55, Issue 4, pp. 211 - 219
Description of a New Testate Amoebae Genus Meisterfeldia with Notes on the Systematics of the Suborder Phryganellina (Amebozoa; Tubulinea; Arcellinida)
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Information: Acta Protozoologica, 2016, Volume 55, Issue 4, pp. 211 - 219
Article type: Original article
Department of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Published at: 19.12.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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